Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Mugabe in LSMU

I used to believe my generation has learnt enough not to repeat the mistakes of the past and present Africa leaders. But it looks like this generation has been infected with the Syndrome of Africa’s Mugabe. Robert Mugabe was a popular freedom fighter now a scorned leader. Who could have actually thought that one time a good man could be this power drunk?
Honestly, it is a profound shame that since independence, Robert Mugabe and so many other African leaders, once elected, come to believe that only they can be trusted with the will and fortune of their countries. The result, all too quickly visible, becomes government for the benefit of a closed ruling elite rather than society as a whole."
The sit-tight syndrome of myopic leaders who cling to power despite dismal performances, which has made us a laughing stock everywhere, is making my heart pound faster than usual because Another Mugabe now exists in LSMU. One thing amazes me though about every Mugabe, in spite of the fact they do not have the faintest idea of what their task is and have refused to vacate their seats honorably, their praise singers keep singing their praise to the market. They sing Mugabe can never be wrong as Napoleon of George Orwell in Animal Farm was never wrong. Although, the practice of Animal Farm may not be exactly repeated here, but there are elements of it in LSMU except the principle of all animals are equal but some are better than the other which is not obtainable. Maybe if guns were to be permitted here then i am sure we would have been living in such circumstances akin to that in Animal Farm.
Let me set the record straight for the sake of the ignorant, those who claimed they are not politicians yet let politics rule their decisions day in day out. Whiles the Mugabes’ Counterparts in the western world are interested in the legacy that will not only outlive them but make foot prints on the sands of time and have posterity bear them witness.
The Mugabes are interested in power and the benefits that come with it. They need to keep hold of the money they have stolen without the fear of prosecution. Though the dues paid by the people might be too little for the people to ask questions but it is enough to say that charity begins at home. When you fail to be accountable to the people you’ve been entrusted little then I wonder what you will do when much is hand over to you.
There is a need to be afraid if they have stolen anything, because anyone who steals his peoples’ money should be brought to face the law of the land for stealing. But now that the Mugabe in LSMU runs the government without any form of Law, who knows if this was the main target of stabbing the Drafted constitution so it might not see the day light. Otherwise If they have not stolen anything then they should all aspire to be what Dr Babajide Ogunlolu, President of Nigeria Student Association Sumy State University, is seeking after handing over power to newly elected leader last week. Babajide was elected Last year June and pursued an aim which he achieved and he also gave the people Constitution that has been well appraised.
I have been taught that the Creator of man initially built the world based on the principle of discretion but a time came that the world could no longer survive by man’s discretion alone. He made men live by the law. Any society without any form of law is characterised by ‘Anarchy’, what exist is every man for himself and God for us all. Everything you do is accepted as normal because there cannot be any other form of normality other than accordance with the lay down principles and guide lines.
African leaders never tolerate opposition, he is either assassinated or forced to go on exile, the way we kill our best brains in the name of politic. Let us take a look at some of these leaders, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe has been in power since 1978 (Zimbabwe's independence) and at 82 years, he is still clinging to power, taking his country backward faster than it was developed. Libya's Gaddafi came to power in 1969 and has ruled his country since and he is preparing his son to take over. Hosni Mubarak of Egypt has been president since 1981 and has conducted elections where he has been the only candidate (until 2005 elections), Gnassingbe Eyadema of Togo started ruling in 1969 and upon dying in power in 2005, his son (in a kangaroo election) succeeded him. Nigeria's Obasanjo has been around power since the 1960s, he was the military head of state for 3 years (1976-1979), and he was the first military leader to hand over power to a democratically elected government in Africa (not succeeding himself). Obasanjo then came back to power as a civilian in 1999 in a new attempt at democracy by Nigeria and attempted clinging to power in what was described as third term agenda but was successfully resisted by Nigerians
This ill blood seems to have infected us in LSMU and our Mugabe here is giving one excuse or the other for wanting to continue in power. He is either demanding for more time to get the constitution that has been ready since September 2009 or the excuse that Eniola Sodade handed over the power because he got tired of the office. Therefore, should Our Mugabe be allowed to get tired of the office before taking the path of honour?.
Future genarations await us and what stand we take now will determine if we move forward as a people, stagnate as blood in thrombosis or disperse like light rays in a spectrum without destination It’s of great importance that we realize we are a people of common origin but of greater importance is a story that must be told about us as a people who know where they are headed
from: Progressive Generation Group

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