Monday, May 19, 2014


Commissioner of Staff ” Army South- East” Vladimir Gromov announced the arrest in Lugansk group of people for violating curfew.
Reported by channel 112 Ukraine .
” Guards division of Africa was yesterday arrested for violating the curfew . They consumed alcohol , some people have found the drugs , the so-called grass . They beat the assistant deputy. Name he asked not to mention “- said Gromov .
According to him, the guys were well received , fed.
” These guys have learned the news ( about the formation of battalions ” Donbass ”) Expressed a desire to replenish our ranks … and oppose official Kiev . But we can not definitively increase tension with the official Kiev. So we are going to follow them home “- said  Gromov.
The truth about the following news is that Nigerians paraded in the video are actually kidnapped in a restaurant called BAKARA in the city of lugansk around 2 am yesterday (17-05-2014). they where forced with guns on there heads to comply with all they demand them to do. as at today 19-05-2014 some of them has been released and 3 still held without allowing contact to them.

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