Sunday, May 30, 2010

Secret Signals Men Give When They Lie


Next time you question your guy’s honesty, watch for these little clues to find out whether or not he’s telling the whole truth.
1) He looks up and to the left

The next time you ask him a sticky question or he wants to explain himself to you, note which way he looks. If his eyes move up to the right, he’s recalling information from his memory. If he looks up and to the left, there’s a good chance that he’s inventing the answer.  Take this quiz to see how well you can decode guy-speak.

2) He toys with his ears or his nose.

If your guy starts toying with his ear or nose (and he doesn’t have allergies), be suspicious. When a guy is being deceptive, it’s common for blood to rush to his face. His nose and ears will get warm and begin to itch, causing him to unconsciously rub or scratch them.  Read these signs to tell if he’s cheating.

3) He shifts in his chair or taps his fingers

These tics may make it seem like he’s just plain nervous, but if they’re done while he’s explaining himself to you, they actually indicate that he could be fibbing. Want more? Read the body language of liars and you'll be able to catch him in the act.

4) He covers his mouth with his hand.

This guy is probably lying.  When he unconsciously obstructs your view of his lips, it’s a sign that he’s trying to block the truth from slipping out. In addition, he might lick his lips and look away from you— directing his eyes down and to the right. These little moves reveal what's bugging him. Plus, read 10 most common fibs guys tell and find out what’s on his mind when he’s totally speechless.


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